Smart Actions for One or More Columns

Smart actions can be enabled for one or more defined fields or columns in the report. For example, fields can be made editable or can connect to a Report window or Work Center window. No additional controls are displayed on the Smart Actions sub-tab when Column is selected.

Define smart actions for one or more columns/fields of the report:

  1. Click the Smart Actions sub-tab.

  2. Select Column (Multiple Smart Actions per Row) from the Smart Action Type field.

    No additional fields display on the Smart Actions sub-tab when Column is selected for the Smart Action Type.

  3. Select the field you want to configure a smart action for from the Display list in the upper-right corner of the Report Setup window.

    For example, to make the Target Date field in a work order report editable, you would select the Target Date field from the list.

  4. Click the Edit button directly below the Display list.

    The Report Field Options window opens.

  5. Select the smart action you want from the Smart Action field in the middle of the window:

    • The Custom option is used by Maintenance Connection Support Staff for custom reports.

    • Configure a field value to be editable in the report:

      1. Select Edit Field.

      2. Enter a phrase to display when the user hovers their cursor over the field in the report in the Smart Action Tool Tip field.

        For example, you could configure the tooltip to say: Click Save if value is edited.

    • Configure a record to be opened in a new window when the specified field is clicked:

      1. Select Popup WorkCenter.

        A Smart Action Field Value field displays.

      2. Select the type of record to be opened from the Smart Action Field Value field.

        In most cases, you will be selecting the primary field from the record, such as [WO]Work Order or [Asset]Asset.

      3. Enter a phrase to display when the user hovers their cursor over the field in the report in the Smart Action Tool Tip field.

        For example, you could configure the tooltip to say: Click here to open this work order.

    • Configure a report to be opened in a new window when the specified field is clicked:

      1. Select Popup Report.

      2. Select the report that should be opened when the row is clicked from the Smart Action Report field.

        Reports are listed in alphabetical order.

      3. Select the criteria that should be used to determine the records that should be opened in the report from the Smart Action Report Criteria field.

        In most cases, you will be selecting the primary field from the record, such as [WO]Work Order or [Asset]Asset.

      4. Enter a phrase to display when the user hovers their cursor over the row in the report in the Smart Action Tool Tip field.

        For example, you could configure the tooltip to say: Click to open the XYZ Report.

  6. Click the Apply button.

    The window closes.

    If you have specified that a field should be editable, you must also ensure that a Save button is included on the report.

    Add a Save button to the report:

    1. Click the Smart Buttons sub-tab.

    2. Select Save from the Smart Buttons field.

      If you want to have another smart button displayed on the report, such as Issue, it is not necessary to add the Save button. Maintenance Connection detects that two options have been specified and automatically adds the Save button for you.

      However, if no other smart button action is specified, you must add a Save button.

    3. Select the field value of the record that is being edited from the Smart Button Field Value field.

      In most cases, you will be selecting the primary field from the record, such as [WO]Work Order or [Asset]Asset.

      Multiple display fields can have smart field capabilities. To add a smart action for a different field in the report, repeat steps 3-6.

  7. Click the Apply button.

    Your changes are saved. The Report Preview window opens. If you accessed the Report Setup window from the Report List, you are returned to the Report List.